Selecting a compatible travel partner is serious business. It’s not enough that you’re best friends or members of the same family. Or that you both enjoy travel, want to visit the same place, and need a travelling companion to cut costs. A travel partner compatibility questionnaire is a valuable resource to determine if you and your potential travelling companion are a good fit.

This is Part 2 of a two-part article. Part 1 offers tips on How to choose a compatible travelling companion. This piece, Part 2, suggests questions that could be posed to a potential travel partner to determine compatibility.


Incompatibility puts a trip at risk

There are different approaches to experiencing the gift of travel. Travel styles differ. Some people take whirlwind trips through world capitals, taking photographs of themselves in front of recognizable landmarks, posting to social media as they go. If this sounds like your type of trip, you and your travelling companion must enjoy this style and pace of travel.

It’s too late once you’ve embarked on your travels to learn that your travel partner tries to pack as much as possible into every day while you prefer a much slower pace. Or you discover on arrival that your travelling companion is a recovering alcoholic, so the wine tasting experiences you were looking forward to are now off the agenda. What if your new travel buddy arrives with three large suitcases that don’t fit into the compact car you both agreed to rent? Or your partner loves to go clubbing at night and you’re an early-to-bed and early-to-rise person whose travel day starts much earlier than theirs.

These differences can be sources of regret and conflict, as described in Horror stories: travelling with the wrong person in Part 1: How to choose a compatible travelling companion.

Travel partner compatibility questionnaire

One of the best ways to determine compatibility is to ask the right questions.

The following questions, loosely clustered in categories, are offered as a resource. The questionnaire isn’t meant to be sent to a potential travel mate. Nor is it expected that every question needs to be asked. Rather, the questions are offered as ideas to inspire how you might structure a dialogue in a way that meets your needs. Choose or adapt the ones you’re comfortable asking and be as detailed or as cursory as it takes to determine compatibility.

It might help if you explain that it is not your intent to pry or judge. The purpose is to determine if you’ll be compatible as travelling companions.   

It’s your trip; life is too short, and vacation time and finances are too scarce to share them with the ‘wrong’ person.


  • What’s your age / approximate age?
  • Do you have a significant other? (Are you travelling to find romance?)
  • Are you in the workforce? What is/was your job?
  • Do you drive? Would you be comfortable driving in a foreign country?
  • What’s your citizenship? Does your passport have at least six months validity?
  • Do you have trusted traveller status? Which program(s)?
  • Do you collect miles and points? Which programs?
  • Will you have emergency medical insurance coverage?
  • Do you have any health issues that will affect your travels?

travel-buddies-nycNew York City, USA


  • Why do you travel? What would be your dream trip?
  • What has been your most memorable travel experience? What made it so?
  • In what countries have you felt most comfortable? Why? Are there countries or regions you won’t visit? Why not? What countries are on your travel list?
  • Are you a country counter? Why/why not?
  • What are your hopes and aspirations for this trip? What are you looking forward to the most?
  • Do you want to meet new people, get to know each other better, or get to know yourself better?

Otto-and-Mylena-cubaHavana, Cuba 

  • Have you travelled with someone who wasn’t a compatible travelling companion? What issues arose? How did you handle the situation?
  • Describe your ideal travel partner. What qualities and characteristics would that person possess?
  • What makes you an ideal travel companion?
  • What expectations do you have of me as your travel partner?


  • How important are research and planning to you? Is there an area of pre-trip research you enjoy?
  • Are you a planner or a follower? If your travelling companion is prepared to do the research, make the bookings (after consultation with you), would you be agreeable to this? Or would you prefer to see the pre-trip research and bookings as a shared responsibility?
  • Do you typically like to see all accommodation booked before leaving home?
  • Are you more likely to have plans in place for each day, or do you prefer to discover what a destination offers after you arrive?
  • Do you like to have a rough idea of what to do each day and allow spontaneity to creep in for spur-of-the-moment decisions? How comfortable are you with changing plans on a whim?

dead-sea-jordanDead Sea, Jordan


  • What strengths and weaknesses do you bring to the relationship?
  • What do we need to share about our fears? Are you afraid of heights? Do you experience toilet anxiety? Are you afraid of getting lost? Do experience fears for you safety or being pickpocketed to the point that it causes you anxiety? 
  • Would you describe yourself as a relaxed or nervous traveller? What scares you most or makes you uncomfortable about travel?
  • Are you comfortable navigating a place by yourself? Are you able to follow a printed map or use Google Maps?
  • Have you ever travelled solo? Do you enjoy doing things by yourself? If we have different interests and needs, would you be comfortable splitting up for the day or part of the trip?
  • What are some stressful travel scenarios you’ve encountered? What happened? How did you react, and how were they resolved?
  • Have you had travel experiences that evoked a strong emotional reaction? What were they, and what were the outcomes?
  • How comfortable are you in a country where English isn’t widely spoken? Do you plan on learning a few language basics before the trip?  
  • How do you use technology when you travel? How connected do you need to be? What devices do you typically pack? Do you like to have regular access to the internet? How much work or internet time do you need each day? Which social media channels do you use, and how often do you post?
  • Do you collect photographs of yourself in front of tourist sites? Do you use a selfie stick? Have you packed or rented unique clothing for ‘fashion shots’ during your travels? 
  • Do you drink alcohol? On average, how much alcohol do you consume in a day? Is ‘happy hour’ an important part of your day? Do you enjoy a drink with supper, or do you like to party?

travel-buddies-irish=pubKillarney, Ireland

  • Do you wear perfume?
  • Do you smoke? Do you do drugs?
  • How will we resolve disagreements? If we find things aren’t working as well as they could, can we agree to communicate our concerns and come up with solutions together? For example…


  • What types of activities are a feature of your travels? Do you typically sign up for tours or guided activities?
  • What are your favourite types of activities? What are your least favourite?
  • Do you enjoy museums and art galleries? What type of museum/gallery visitor are you? For example, do you like to learn as much as possible about each exhibit or do you tend to move rather quickly through the facility? 
  • Do you like to visit casinos?
  • What are your ‘must-do’ and ‘must-see’ activities and experiences for this trip?
  • How active are you when you travel? Do you like to explore a place on foot? Do you enjoy walking, hiking, or cycling?

compatible-travel-buddies-nzBanks Track, New Zealand

  • Do you like to hang out at the beach or laze around a pool?
  • Do you have any mobility issues? If so, how do these affect your travels?
  • Are you capable of walking 100 metres without a rest? How about walking 20 kilometres in a day?
  • Do you like animals? What are some examples of animal-encounter experiences from your travels?
  • Do you prefer to stick to the well-travelled tourist trail, or do you enjoy off-the-beaten-path travel experiences where there are fewer tourists?
  • Are you a shutterbug? What photography equipment do you pack? Do you enjoy lining up the perfect shot? If so, how much time do you invest in setting up a photo?

shutterbug-nazare-portugalNazaré, Portugal

  • Do you expect shopping to be one of your activities? Do you shop for necessities, a few souvenirs or gifts, or do you ‘live to shop?’ How much time do you expect to devote to shopping?
  • How do you typically get around? Do you favour public transportation, or are you more comfortable using taxis and rideshares?
  • Would you be comfortable renting a car? Would you be willing to drive in a foreign country?
  • How much luggage will you have? What’s a rough estimate of the weight of your packed bags? Can you carry them by yourself?


  • What’s your preferred travel pace? Do you try to pack as much as possible into a day? Or do you like to move at a pace dictated by mood and energy levels?

amsterdam-netherlandsAmsterdam, Netherlands

  • Are you a one-key-attraction-a-day kind of person and leave the rest of the day for opportunities to present themselves?
  • Do you prefer to see as many countries and cities as possible in the time available, or spend longer in the same place?


  • Describe your budget. Do you have an expected amount for daily expenses?
  • What are your spending priorities? For example, are you more likely to spend money on a comfortable hotel and cut back on tours and experiences? Or would you rather stay in a hostel and splurge on adventures such as day trips, food tours, or hot-air balloon flights?

hostel-privacy-curtain-space-inn-taipeiSpace Inn Hostel, Taipei, Taiwan

  • Where are you likely to cut corners, and where are you likely to splurge?
  • Are you comfortable splitting 50/50 for expenses such as accommodation, tours, car rental, and gas?
  • How will we manage our finances? For example, shall we take turns paying for shared expenses and use an expense-splitting app such as Splittr and settle up at the end of the trip (or at agreed-to intervals)?
  • How will we factor points and miles into our shared expenses? For example, if one of us has invested time and money in applying for credit cards and maximizing bonuses, how will we attach value to those points if they’re redeemed for a hotel room or tour that benefits us both?


  • What are your standards in accommodation? What kinds of facilities do you need? How much of your budget do you expect to spend on lodging?

marina-bay-sands-infinity-poolMarina Bay Sands, Singapore

  • How much do you expect to pay for a night’s accommodation? $20? $100? $300?
  • What are your preferred types of accommodation? Self-catering apartment, brand-name hotel, boutique hotel, bed-and-breakfast accommodation? Are you prepared to stay in hostels?
  • Do you need your own room? Are you prepared to share a room, or a bed in a pinch?
  • Are you a neat freak, or will your stuff be scattered about? Do you unpack or tend to live out of your suitcase?
  • Do you have any sleeping issues? How many hours of sleep do you need each night? What specific conditions do you need for a decent night’s sleep? For example, if you go to bed early, would my reading light bother you?
  • Do you snore? Do you talk in your sleep? Do you have night/sleep terrors?
  • Do you like the room temperature to be warm or cool? Do you need air-conditioning, have the windows open, or neither?
  • What’s your falling-asleep routine? Do you need to watch TV or a movie on your device? Do you need to read a print book or E-book? Do you travel with a reading light?
  • Would a night light bother you for late-night trips to the bathroom?
  • Are you interested in a holiday romance and would want to bring someone back to our accommodation?
  • If we have contrasting accommodation needs, would it work if we chose separate lodging and met up at other times?


  • Are you a morning person or a night owl? For example, would you enjoy exploring quiet city streets just after dawn, or capturing a sunrise photograph of an iconic landmark? Or do you prefer to ease into the day? Or is nightlife more your thing?
  • If you like to go dancing or clubbing at night, would you expect me to be your safety buddy?
  • How long does it take you to get ready for the day? What are your must-have starters (e.g., coffee, shower, hair and makeup routine, email and social media check in)?
  • If you have a hair and makeup routine, how much bathroom time do you need to start your day or head out for the evening?
  • When it’s time to move to a new destination (or fly home), what’s your best estimate of how long it will take for you to get yourself and your bag(s) organized?
  • Do you like to be on time, or do you have a reputation for running late?
  • Are there specific activities you need to include in your day, such as prayers, an exercise routine, or calling home?
  • How important is it for you to have time alone? Or, having quiet time for activities such as reading, reflecting, or writing?

transit-washington-dc-usaWashington, DC, USA

  • Do you welcome comments from your travelling companion about how s/he is experiencing a place? Or do you prefer periods of silence to allow you to process what you’re seeing and feeling without the filter of another person’s reactions?


  • How much of a role does food play in your travels? How much importance do you place on exploring a place through its food? Do you enjoy food tours or cooking classes?
  • How adventurous are you in trying unfamiliar foods?

mallorca-spain-pulpo-a-la-gallegaGalician Octopus, Mallorca, Spain

  • Do you have any dietary requirements? What won’t you eat?
  • Do you need comfort food or regular visits to places like McDonald’s for a taste of home?
  • Do you prefer to eat out or prepare your meals? When eating out, what kinds of eating establishments do you like? Food stalls? Markets? Takeout? Backstreet restaurants where the locals eat, away from tourist areas? Fancy places where the wait staff know how to pamper?
  • Do you need to eat in places where the menu is in English?
  • Do you typically choose something from a menu within a few minutes?  
  • What is your main meal of the day? How many meals a day do you typically have? Do you need a hearty breakfast or are you good with a coffee and a muffin? Do you need to eat at specific times?
  • How much, or what percentage, of your travel budget is likely to be spent on food?
  • Are you into sharing, say, a seafood platter for two or splitting a dessert?


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